Pride in Prejudice

The unathorized biography of Talos Rucker

Original Deus Ex: Mankind Divided eBook

Before appo­in­ting him­self the cham­pion of Aug rights world­wide, Talos Ruck­er was born into privilege, to an upper-middle class couple in Stuttgart. He excelled in school and was, according to one effusive teacher, "well-liked by everyone."

It was only natural that with all the advantages the world can offer laid at his feet, this golden boy went on to medical school, where he took his fairy-tale to the next chapter, falling in love with a fellow student.

The moment the two Doctors graduated they simply could not wait to show the world their enlightened generosity by bringing their white skin and perfect smiles to the Third World, generously sharing the advantages of their upbringing with the poor, ignorant savages.

After losing his lover and his limbs in the Vilama Caldera disaster, Rucker discovered a new cause: Augmentation, which could restore to him his rightful superiority over the rest of the world.